
I’m joining the Department of Communication Science at the VU Amsterdam!

I am excited to share that I accepted a position as assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam in the Department of Communication Science. I am thrilled to become a member of this great department and I am looking forward to work and learn together with an amazing group of scholars. At the VU, I will have colleagues whose work is characterized by the use of advanced and computational research methods and an extraordinary… Read More »I’m joining the Department of Communication Science at the VU Amsterdam!

Hello and welcome back!

If you have ever been on this website before, you might realize that the design changed slightly and some new contents appear on a couple of sites. Yes, I did move to wordpress. Although it was great fun to create this website from scratch and keep it simple and fast by implementing only basic html and css, I nonetheless missed some more elaborate functions that I could not program myself (e.g., comments, tags, categories, footnotes…).… Read More »Hello and welcome back!