With more and more communication scholars adopting open science principles (e.g., preregistration, sharing of data, material, and code), also more and more media and communication journals adopt open science features and take first steps in adopting the TOP guidelines. I just quickly would like to point your attention to a very useful resource in this regard. Moritz Büchi and Tobias Dienlin started a list with peer-reviewed journals that a) focus on media and communication generally or any subdiscipline (e.g., science communication, media psychology…) and b) implemented some form of open science-related feature (e.g., registered report format, open peer review, open science badges…). When planning your next study, why not consider submitting it as a registered report? Or explicitly targeting a journal that honors open data and materials? This overview can help you find the right journal. You can access the latest version of the list here (a static version is also available here). Hopefully, the number of journals adopting TOP guidelines will increase in the future. If a journal is missing or you have suggestions for updates, you can also leave comments in the list.
Thanks to Moritz and Tobias for creating this helpful resource!